Dmitri Chavkerov Trying To Help Investors Everywhere

Dmitri Chavkerov has done a lot of work to find out why most people have been scammed so that he can put a stop to it.  What he found was surprising; in most countries such as America, Britain and many parts of Europe, the people who lost their money are quite low compared to those in undeveloped countries.


In these countries, most people don’t trust banks so they end up putting it into Forex in order to make money.  However, Dmitri knows that most brokers who are legit don’t really always like to accept deposits from countries that aren’t considered to be safe – there can be higher risks of fraud committed so this means that many brokers don’t accept people.  This results in those people heading to unregulated brokers to manage their money.


Dmitri however, does agree that even though there are a lot of unregulated brokers that aren’t honest or trustworthy, there are still many who are good.  They haven’t been regulated but are as honest as the day is long so there is still a lot of hope or so Dmitri believes.  However, the dishonest brokers welcome the investor in their arms and reassure them their money is safe. 

They will take their money or rather allow a deposit to be made and then the money shortly disappears.  They do not honour their contract and takes all of the investor’s money – sometimes their entire life savings. 


It is terrible but this unfortunately happens everywhere!  There have been thousands who have been scammed and it is difficult at times to stop those who are fraudsters in getting their hands on investors’ money.  However, Dmitri wants to help stop this from happening to anyone else.

That is why he created Forex Peace Army in which he tries to help educate traders and stop the scammers.  He has been doing so well in finding thousands of scammers and potential scammers and he investigates those who look dodgy or is suspected of posing a risk to investors.


Though, don’t get Dmitri wrong, he doesn’t like to say everyone is a scammer before he knows all of the facts.  If he is told by someone they were scammed, he checks out that the person isn’t just annoyed that they weren’t successful in trading.  However, if he finds they aren’t and are telling the truth, then he will investigate the company and find out the truth as to whether they are a scammer or otherwise.


Dmitri Chavkerov hates it when someone is scammed and his investigations are amazing because you can find out so much.  This might not be the most conventional way of finding the truth but he is the only one that will take the time to find the scammers for those who don’t have the help.  He is so important however because he can actually find when someone has been scammed and will do everything he can to stop another from being scammed. Dmitri Chavkerov.