Dmitri Chavkerov Charity Donator

Yes! Even in his tender years as a student at Beverly Hills High School, California, Dmitri Chavkerov was showing signs of becoming a budding teenage business tycoon. He was a Russian national (Born in Siberia in 1982) and received unique recognition for his academic achievements by being one of the few recipients of 6 Golden State awards.


Perhaps he had the vision, motivation and driving desire to become the leading Forex empire builder which he transpired ultimately to be, but certainly by the time he was eighteen he had formed a partnership with a fellow Russian Alexander Drannikov who had owned a large construction company previously.


Dmitri Chavkerov the Forex Empire Builder.


The partnership with Alexander Drannikov was short lived, but at the time they worked together some 1,200 employees were involved in selling products such as boxing equipment, jewelry, watches and even porcelain dolls.


The first ventures of Dmitri Chavkerov into the world of financial trading and Forex empire building were a direct result of him forming his own company Elite Universe Inc and a website known as The trading website proved to be a huge success and attracted millions of potential investors and traders world wide each year.


Such was the degree of financial wizardry exhibited by Dmitri Chavkerov that even at the young age of 22 years he was invited to have 50% of a partnership involving one hundred lucrative real estate projects in Southern California by Michael Street. As his experience grew he was offered a position at the tender age of 25 years to manage a large 1 Billion Dollar investment fund, an offer which he declined somewhat fortuitously as it turned out, since the fund was later scammed to the tune of 300 Million Dollars.


Nevertheless he was to focus his attention on the successful website.


Dmitri Chavkerov and Charities.


Despite his direct involvement in Forex Empire building there is another side to Dmitri Chavkerov which is not often talked about, and that is his philanthropic attitude to life and his firm belief that spirituality and his success in the business world are closely linked.


In fact Dmitri Chavkerov has written a number of articles on the subject all of which have been widely read and digesting, also making one of the foremost financial websites on the internet.


Dmitri Chavkerov has also received recognition as a charitable philanthropist and indeed insists that vendors involved in transactions conducted by him donate 10% to a charity. He personally makes donations on a regular basis to such worthy causes as ‘Feed the Children’ programs, he makes money available for children with cleft palates in need of surgery, and even takes the trouble to donate to tree planting programs in Arizona at the home of the Indian Havasupai tribe



Currently Dmitri Chavkerov lives a comfortable life in North Port, Florida, but certainly both his charitable deeds, and not forgetting his Forex empire building projects make this relatively young man an unforgettable character, though many will remember him more for his sky diving stunt leaping from an airplane while dressed on a business suit and holding onto a mobile phone as he plunged downwards. Dmitri Chavkerov